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Showing posts from 2018

Das ist Berlin

Wenn man sich schön macht, auch wenn’s hässlich ist – Berlin, Berlin, Berlin Und wenn Stefan plötzlich Steffi ist – Berlin, Berlin, Berlin Wenn das alles geht und du dich fragst, wie das zusammenpasst. Das ist Berlin, Berlin, Berlin – Berlin, Berlin, Berlin I’ve returned from a journey. A long, exhausting, exciting, amazing 6-month long trip. I started at Tegel airport. It’s where I landed to try and conquer the interview and the big, not so bad city of Berlin. In the beginning, the plan was to put one foot in front of the other, slowly, surely. U-Bhf Seestr . From the airport to Seestrasse, which would eventually become my house for a few months. Not a home, but a good-sized house, shared with people who made me dread climbing those 4 flights of stairs. Its fair to say that I got off to a lukewarm start on my journey through Berlin. U-Bhf Oranienburger Tor . Auguststrasse. As I walked around this neighbourhood, I could feel the creativity brimming through the ...

Interviewing for dummies, aber auf Deutsch

Today I’m going to do something that I’ve never quite done before, in over 7 years of writing this blog. I’m going to give useful, practical and tangible tips. Or at least tips that are in my mind, all of the aforementioned. Its possible that I am just writing them down to commit to my own memory, and I will just deign to share. Whatever the reasoning, here goes. The last 6 months of my life, after finishing my Masters, has been about finding a job. Although I’ve been very realistic that there’s no perfect job, I have been very picky. So these tips are probably not that relevant if you are looking for just any job, which many times is a necessity to pay bills. But these tips are about when you want to put yourself out there to find a job that you wont hate going to, and that gives you a chance to challenge yourself. Now these jobs don’t come by easy. There’s a shortage of them out there, and when they do, it takes a huge effort to walk away feeling like you’ve given it absolutely...