Several months
after turning 30, after over a decade of being able to vote, drive and consume
alcohol (except in Maharashtra, where I’ve been legally drinking only since the past 5 years!), I can say I feel
like an adult. However, before you jump to conclusions - this post isn’t going
to be a rant about the dark side of adulting – the endless chores, bills and
to-do lists.
(I’ll save that for a post about the privileges of moving to a “developed”
country, i.e. where one is confronted daily with classic cases of choice
overload. Choices are abundant e.g. disposing of garbage into the appropriate
bin, which of the myriad of highly specific Sunday-quiet day laws to break,
what obscure cycling-traffic rules to ignore, and the like.)
Adulting came
to me in a big bundle, which is why I am so aware of it having arrived. The
same time that I turned 30, I started to work at the organisation I had set my
sights on years ago. I also moved to my very own little apartment, in a small
(by my standards tiny) town. As I settled into my rather comfortable new job
and life, I noticed how easy life could be, if I let it. Currently, my commute
lasts 15 minutes at a leisurely pace of cycling. Work isn’t stressful, and though the pay is far from
great, I have everything I need (since my needs are quite limited). I travel
internationally every now and then for work, not enough for it to be a big
annoyance but often enough to break the monotony of the 8.5 hour office workday.
I’ve a year’s contract at the gym and with the water supply company, and my
peeps in Germany are closeby. My peeps from afar have been visiting.
For the first
time in a long, long time, I am not worried about my next move. I am not
stressed about what comes next or how to make my next career jump. I don’t have
to worry about a work contract that ends soon, a visa that expires or any other
immediately impending deadline. I don’t have to bother about someone else’s
hair in the shower of a shared apartment, I am confident that its my own. My
short commute means I have time and energy, to work out, to cook, to meet
people and to sleep in. All of this translates to the fact that I am, for the
time being, relatively satisfied.
Saying that
to myself sounds sinister, and I am forced to think – is it enough? I cannot remember the last time I did not have the next goal or 3, already on my horizon. Have I
become complacent, or am I just enjoying a much deserved time-out? Will I be
ready to give up all of this and uproot the life I have built, if a more
challenging career opportunity came up? If not, would I let myself be okay with
that decision? Or would I drown in FOMO? Is slowing down the first step to
giving up? Is my life more like a steady marathon or an intense interval
training? Are the goals that I dreamt of 10 years ago no longer that enticing
because I grew out of them or gave up on them? Am I being influenced by the
Germans, who so value their precious work-life balance, or is this me just beginning
to want other things too?
I see equally driven friends settled in other
countries still going at it, with no signs of slowing down. I believe that the
entire society exerts influence on developing these values – be it through the structure
of taxation, work culture, legal rights of employees, general purchasing power,
the welfare state and so much more. Yet, I am afraid that these will serve only
as excuses to be satisfied with being mediocre. Or is the word “average”? Is an
average life good enough, or will it be one of regrets and missed opportunities?
If you’ve figured
this one out, keep me posted. If not, well, atleast we know that we don’t know,
so I guess that’s what being an adult is really about.
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